Our services
Energy audits of enterprises in accordance to EN-PN 16247
Energy efficiency audits
Carbon footprint assessment
Thermomodernization audits
Energy performance certificates
Thermovision analyzes
Energy measurements
Inspections of HVAC systems
Technical inspections of boilers
Energy monitoring systems
Implementation of Energy Management Systems acc. to ISO50001
Energy consulting, renewable energy sources
Our services
For enterprises
- Energy audits of enterprises in accordance with Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, and the Act on energy efficiency of 20 May 2016.
Corporate carbon footprint audit
The carbon footprint audit is carried out based on the company technological processes, energy consumption and resources used. The scope of the audit includes energy and raw materials balance, based on which the company’s current carbon footprint is determined, and the potential directions of its reducing are indicated.
The audit is carried out according to the following schedule:
- Audit visits to the company
- Collection of data, necessary measurements
- Analysis of the collected data
- Carbon footprint calculations
- Preparation of a report with potential directions for reducing the carbon footprint

Energy performance certificates
- Energy efficiency audits for the purposes of energy efficiency certificates, carried out in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Act of May 20, 2016.
Requirements of PN-EN ISO 50001 standards
- implementation of an energy management system in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 50001 standard
- energy inspections in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 50001 standard
- management system audits in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 50001
- energy audits in accordance with PN-EN 16247 and PN-EN 16212 standards
- implementing of energy management system according to ISO 50001 standard
- controlling of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
- measurements of energy parameters (temperature, gas flow, power quality, boiler efficiency, tightness of compressed air installations, fluid flow)
- constant energy care services for companies
- installing of the energy parameter monitoring systems
- energy assessment and energy balances of technological installations
- consultation and assessment of solutions for improving of energy efficiency

For local governments and individual clients

Scope of our offer includes:
- Energy audits of buildings
- Buildings certifications
- Post-completion audits
- Thermovision measurements
- Calculation of indicators for EU and national projects
- Analysis of the use of renewable energy
For construction

We offer a full range of audit services for the purposes of thermal modernization of buildings:
- Thermomodernization and renovation audits in accordance with the Act of November 21, 2008 on supporting thermo-modernizations and renovations
- certification audits of new, renovated and rented buildings provided with the Act of August 29, 2014 on energy performance
- lighting audits
- ornithological and chiropterological analyses
- elaboration of functional and utility programs
- feasibility studies
- installing of monitoring and control systems in buildings
- implementation of audits under the “Clean Air” program
- energy performance certificates
- designed energy performance of buildings
- thermovision measurements
- controlling of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
Price inquiry
Cost of services is strongly related to the scope and type of audit, as well as the type, size and profile of the enterprise.
Audit valuation is set individually and depends on several factors:
- Number of locations
- Size and spatial structure of buildings
- The type of technological processes carried out in the company
- The quality and type of collected data on energy consumption in the company
Are you interested in our offer? Contact us!